On christmas we had x mas with da family. we had our family like papa, mama, aunt allison, uncle jeff, mamawruby, and pat. my presents i got were bed spread, sheets, pillows, and stuff 4 my new room. i got all that from allison,and jeff.I got a DS from papa. I got things for the ds like games, a case for it. i have maybe 8 or 9 games.i just love it. i got everything i wanted. couple of minutes later aunt pam, ty ,and kristie. we ate our food and everything.
we had to wait couple minutes before we opened our presents. Nana had to go first so she could watch us and we mcould watch her .i got long fun socks, a cd called Now 29, a webkinz that was a panda, a giftcard to sonic so i can get a smothie :). i got more things from people. i like all the things i got .
1 comment:
i love all the gifts i got
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