Tuesday, September 23, 2008

crush - just rip it tournament

I got to be in a team called Crush. They where playing in a turnoment that needed help pitching .So i had to help them ofcourse because they use to be my old team before they moved up. It was fun even though we lost all 4 games but we had fun.Everyone is nice to me ofcourse I mean who would not be nice to me. LOL. I pitched a whole lot i gotten better at pitching. We almost won a game but then the other team started to get alot of hits.Everyone was cheering for me when i was pitching mostly my family.Ya it was some much fun.Being there with some of my friends,getting to play in a turnoment,and having the time of my life.It rocked. Kyky


Lesa said...

I love your blog!!!!

ky ky said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwww thanks