I went camping with Melissa, Tiffany and James. We had so much fun. We went fishing in the middle of the lake. We had to go get bait so we could fish. We had to get baby minos. I got 2 hold one. It was slimy and weird. But cool at the same time. We cought so many fish. Maybe 15 fish. Tiffany and I got to hold a fish by the mouth. Tiff had to help me. I did not wunt to touch that fish but Tiff made me.
But it was fun. If you had to go to the restroom you would have to go in the lake.EEEEWWWWWWWWWW. I held it or tried.we got to eat smores and stay up late but the time you have to go to bed is 10 but we stayed up until 11 or 12.
My fav part about this aventure was taking a bath in the lake. Andbrushing our teeth with a tooth brush and with a cup of fresh water. Not no nasty water. But we crashed out and woke up in the mornig. Ya it was so much fun.
My fav part about this aventure was taking a bath in the lake. Andbrushing our teeth with a tooth brush and with a cup of fresh water. Not no nasty water. But we crashed out and woke up in the mornig. Ya it was so much fun.